About Me

I'm not much into politics and also know less about US Gov't. I'm obligated to take this class as a pre-requisite for my nursing major but i believe this course will make me more knowledgeable to become a better citizen.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Policies Of Our Presidential Candidates

Over the past few months, we have been observing heated debates and campaign rhetoric by the two presidential contenders, democratic Barak Obama and republican John McCain, in their attempt to win the presidential election and lead the nation for the next four years.
During the election debates and campaigns, the American people are made aware of the major problems that affect our daily life and those that impact the future of our country as a mighty global power. The two presidential candidates have explained, on several occasions, their respective approaches as regards major domestic and foreign policy issues, each attempting to win as many supporters as possible to put them in the White House.
Focusing on the middle class and the majority of the working population, Barak Obama advocates for the provision of affordable health insurance and education, tax support for medium and small businesses; and creation of massive job opportunities for the people. Moreover, he believes in controlling or regulating the greed of the corporate world which he thinks are the main causes for the problems we and our country are currently facing. On the foreign front, Obama envisions that the United States’ national interests would be best protected if diplomatic pursuit and meaningful negotiations are given precedence over military option and confrontation with those who are against US interests
The republican candidate, John McCain sees the democratic alternatives as socialist in nature and rejects them altogether. He says Obama’s policies would discourage the initiatives of the corporate elite who have the potential to create wealth for the society. He believes that the free enterprise system in its classical form is the only way to ensure continued prosperity for the nation and the people at large. He also claims to defend the county’s national interests from the point of strength, military or otherwise.
The issues raised by both candidates are basically the major concerns of the majority of Americans. Stable economic growth, availability of social security, protection of individual and property rights, equal treatment of citizens with the opportunity for all as well as global harmony and cooperation are very important issues that need to be perused vigorously in order for us to continue as super power.
These fundamental issues have been touched upon by both candidates though their approaches on how to tackle them were different reflecting their liberal and conservative ideologies of their parties. Whatever their approaches might be, the relevant question should be, ‘what would the implications of their policies be on the future of our society and the role of America in the world?’ Policies that help in shaping a healthy society with common vision and endeavor for better life are most welcome. Polices the help in minimizing the gap that exist in our society between the few extremely wealthy and the large majority are likely to be accepted by most Americans. Foreign policies aimed at maintaining our global leadership role and attracting respect of others for our democratic system are equally vital.
Personally, I would love to see that every American is able to lead a meaningful life having financial security, spiritual healing and social protection; and that peace would prevail among nations and peoples of the world at large. I believe these are the aspirations of peoples of different nationalities, creeds, and races. I also believe that all human beings, irrespective of their differences, deserve to live in harmony, cooperation and with the spirit of sharing

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