About Me

I'm not much into politics and also know less about US Gov't. I'm obligated to take this class as a pre-requisite for my nursing major but i believe this course will make me more knowledgeable to become a better citizen.

Friday, September 19, 2008

How would Barack Obama or John McCain really respond the nation's financial turmoil? After reading through several articles to give an answer to this issue, I came across an article http://www.usatoday.com/news/politics/election2008/2008-09-18-econteams_N.htm about the efforts of both candidates on overcoming this crisis and creating economic policy.

According to this article, Republican John McCain said the federal reserve should stop bailing out the nation's failing financial institutions, while Democrat Barack Obama gave his support to the bush administration's multi-pronged effort to stem the crisis. It provides a deep insight about ideas of each candidate's financial advisors on economy which some of them have deep ties to wall street and to the wildly lucrative, lightly regulated environment that contributed to the financial crisis rooted in risky mortgage lending.

As we all know, the running for presidency between the democrats and the republicans is a hot issue coupled with the current deep economic crisis due to turmoil of financial sector. This crisis has far reaching implication for the u.s. economy as well as global economy (the stock market crisis in Russia) which created fear and uncertainity about the future on investors and consumers. Due to this factors, divising this economicpolicy is highly important. To know the views of both candidates and their advisors on this issue is equally important because it affects the stability and growth of u.s. and global economy. It also restores the confidence of both investors and consumers like us. So i think the article is worth a few minutes of our time.