About Me

I'm not much into politics and also know less about US Gov't. I'm obligated to take this class as a pre-requisite for my nursing major but i believe this course will make me more knowledgeable to become a better citizen.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Abortion Rights: Back in the spotlight

I choose to criticize the argument written on Abortion Rights by Marianne Mollmann.
She is the Advocacy Director for Women’s right at human rights watch. Ms. Mollmann specializes in the reproductive rights, the Americas, the International Criminal Court, and general issues. Ms. Mollmann is the former co-coordinator of the Women'sWorking Group of the International Network for Economic Social andCultural Rights and the former executive director of the Network inSolidarity with the People of Guatemala (NISGUA). Ms. Mollmann holds anLL.M. in International Human Rights Law from Essex University and speaksfluent Spanish, French, and Danish.
Her intended audience is for women with limited economic resources who face legal and financial obstacles on accessing contraception and abortion and also concerned about current presidential candidate with better focus on this issue. She emphasizes on how the united states lack affordable health care, support with child care and paternity benefits coupled with limited access to abortion and even contraception which contributes to rise in low-income families and uninsured children over the years. She compared it with Denmark where the Government guarantees child health care, public health care and paid paternity leave but has quite low birth rate, 1.74 per woman in her life time where as 2.1 in the US. She argues that fertility should be a matter of choice, financially and professionally for everyone even with available support services.
I agree with Ms. Mollmann that physically giving birth should not be the only thing taken into consideration and that a real opportunity for choice which requires science- based sex education, contraception, maternity & paternity benefits and access to both public and child care should be available for all women.